The Outer Banks is home to rolling sand dunes, expansive marshland, the beautiful shore of the Atlantic Ocean, the Currituck and Albemarle Sounds as well as various rivers and inlets. We have a diverse group of native plants and wildlife(some endangered), state and national parks, preserves, and refuges. Many organizations and agencies work together to protect our slice of paradise and we encourage you to always remember to care for and respect our fragile ecosystem… don’t destroy what you came to enjoy.
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Listed below are some of our local community groups and conservationists that seek to protect The Outer Banks and its peoples.
North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission
N.E.S.T. (Network for Endangered Sea Turtles
Outer Banks Center for Dolphin Research and Conservation
Outer Banks Hotline Crisis Intervention and Prevention
Surf Rider Organization- Outer Banks Chapter
To learn more about our local sanctuaries and preserves, visit some of the links below:
Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge
Buxton Woods Reserve and Nature Preserve
Kitty Hawk Woods Reserve and Nature Preserve
Nags Head Woods Ecological Preserve
Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge
For more information on how you can help keep our area beautiful: