
The Wellness Center of the Outer Banks are proud to partner with Foot Levelers for all your custom orthotics needs.The average person walks 110,000 miles in their lifetime. For those in more physical careers that number can be easily doubled.

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Pure-wave Masssager

PADO has taken all of their experience and customer feedback over the years and have designed a new advanced dual-mode massager. Dr. Goldberg has used the PureWave Massager during patient appointments and for personal use since 2017.

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Massage Chairs

The Wellness Center of the Outer Banks recommends, uses, and sells Human Touch brand massage and therapy chairs. Since we typically qualify for special pricing, we are able to pass along some of those savings to you.

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Coop Pillows

Do you toss and turn at night and/or feel tired and sore in the morning? This could be a sign that you are not sleeping on the right pillow. Providing support for your neck and upper back is the most important role that the pillow needs to fill when you are asleep.

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